Thursday, October 10, 2013

Forest beauty.

Aposomatic bugs (possible lygaeids) mating.

Magnificent "Khaya"

 The timber of Khaya is called African mahogany, the only timber widely accepted as Mahogany besides that of the true mahogany, of the genus Swietenia.

Zimpeto insects

Cryptic grasshopper

Dicerocaryum eriocarpum (devils thorn)

All parts of the plant contain saponins and are markedly soapy and slimy. If crushed plants are left in water overnight, the resultant mucilage is a useful substitute for soap and shampoo. The root is peeled, dried, and powdered together with the dried fruit of Swartzia madagascariensis, which is used as a fish poison. This mixture is applied to the arrow (presumably with a plant sap adhesive). (Van Wyk & Gericke, 2000)
Root decoctions have been used as a remedy for kidney pain and hydrocoele, and whole plant infusions are taken for constipation. A powdered root is taken orally in porridge for abdominal pain. A leaf infusion is used as a body wash in measles, and a root decoction is taken orally at the same time. (Van Wyk & Gericke, 2000) This awesome plant can be used as a soap in the bush

AISM students explore the forest

Superb Zimpeto lichens and other jewels

 Salticid strike
Hyperolius marmoratus

A variety of Zimpeto plants and fungi


 Ceropegia ampliata (bushmans pipe) The "flynapper".It has a unique method of pollination. The tubular 2½ inch flowers are lined inside with downward pointing hairs that temporarily trap insects. They are then released the next day covered with pollen.
Custard apple family Annonaceae.

An assortment of Zimpeto invertebrates

 Super stripey eyed mantid
 Day flying moth Arctiidae
 Syrphid fly above
 Sleepy wasps

 Ozarba heliastis (sunny ozarba) above
 Paralacydes arborifera (Branched ermine) above
Amazing fly

Polyrachis (The spiny black ant) investigates a Membracid bug.

Polyrachis: Recent interest in the ants' medicinal qualities by British researchers has led to investigations into an extract's ability to serve as a cancer-fighting agent. The Chinese Black Mountain Ant extract is typically consumed mixed with wine or beer.

Rhodometra satura: a jewel in the grass.

Pod Mahogany (Afzelia quanzensis)

It's due to these gentle giants and the visionary who planted them 50 years ago, that this explosion of diversity still exists in the heart of a city that is ravenous for fuelwood. This blog celebrates one small good news story, long may this patch survive.

A patch of natural green in the city of Maputo.